Being a preemie parent
comes with a lot of unknowns and uncertainties.

Finding the support you need shouldn’t be one of them.

Being a preemie parentcomes with a lot of unknowns and uncertainties.

Finding the support you need shouldn’t be one of them.

Ways to work with me

Group Coaching and Community

A powerful group coaching opportunity designed to bring preemie parents together while learning the strategies and tools needed to release the stress and overwhelm and find joy in the journey.

This 12-week coaching program is perfect for the preemie parent looking to:

If you currently feel frazzled and overwhelmed with the uncertainty of having a premature baby and yearn for a more calm, centered, and peaceful life—but
can’t envision a path to get there, this program is for you.

Individual Coaching and Community

A highly individualized coaching opportunity designed to help preemie parents process the unique challenges of their journey. I will guide you through learning the strategies and tools needed to release the stress and overwhelm and find joy in your preemie parent journey.

This 12-week coaching program is perfect for the preemie parent looking to:

If you currently feel overwhelmed, vulnerable, and hopeless by the uncertainty of having a premature baby or you are unsure of how to handle new challenges coming up later in your child’s life, I’d love to connect to determine your individual needs.

Custom packages are available to meet the needs of your unique situation.

Empowering you to embrace your new normal with

My Signature Framework,

The Empowered Preemie Parent Process 

All of my programs are rooted in my signature Preemie Parent Process, a unique framework designed to support preemie parents no matter where they are in their journey. Whether your baby is currently in the NICU or facing unique challenges as they grow, my signature process can give you the support, clarity, and confidence you deserve so you can embrace your new normal and live a life you love.

Process Emotion

Learn how to work through the big emotions so you can regain control over your life, allowing you to focus on what matters most, embrace your beautiful family, and continue on this journey with confidence.

Promote Self-care

Learn the importance of self-care, including how to practice and prioritize self-care, and understand why it’s an essential component to being able to support the unique needs of your family.

Protect Boundaries

Learn how to establish and maintain boundaries from a place of confidence and compassion so you can protect what matters most to you without feeling the guilt that you “aren’t doing enough.”

Positive Mindset

Learn to embrace the power of a positive mindset and the role it plays in finding strength during difficult and unpredictable situations so you can focus less on what you cannot control and more on enjoying the little moments.

Practical Solutions

Learn how to implement the tools and strategies you’ve learned as you navigate any aspect of your preemie parent journey, giving you the strength to tackle whatever life throws your way.

As a preemie mom myself, I know firsthand how consuming the stress, overwhelm, guilt, and uncertainty can be. How hard it is to quiet the what-ifs constantly swirling in your mind. What it’s like to crave a sense of normalcy that feels so far out of reach. 

I promise—you are not alone.

If you’re unsure which of the offers above is the best fit for you, I’m here to help you find the support you need. 

Get Started with the FREE Preemie Parent Survival Guide

Join the Empowered Preemie Parent email community and get instant access to my 3-part series designed to guide you through any overwhelm, anxiety, and fear you may be feeling. 

Get Started with the FREE Preemie Parent Survival Guide

Join the Empowered Preemie Parent email community and get instant access to my 3-part series designed to guide you through any overwhelm, anxiety, and fear you may be feeling.