My Preemie's
Journey Journal

A one-of-a-kind journal designed for preemie parents by a preemie parent.

My Preemie's
Journey Journal

A one-of-a-kind journal designed for preemie parents by a preemie parent.

A journal designed to inspire hope and provide guidance

throughout the highs and lows 

of your preemie parent journey.

A sneak peek inside…

  • Support for 100 days in the NICU and beyond
  • Weekly inspirational quotes to give you hope and strength
  • Designated space for documenting important medical information 
  • A daily plan prompt to give you a sense of clarity amid uncertainty 
  • A visitor tracker to remind yourself of your loving support system
  • Space for daily gratitude to help you find joy in this journey
  • Sections dedicated to pictures and special keepsakes 
  • Blank pages to fill however your heart desires 
  • Space to celebrate continued milestones, even after the NICU 

With this journal, you’ll also have access to…

  • My top tips for surviving the NICU
  • Real stories from a parent who’s been in your shoes
  • Strategies for navigating difficult situations unique to the NICU


What Clients are Saying

“This journal provides an easy-to-use tool for parents to record the day-to-day experiences of the NICU. Parents are able to follow their baby’s progress and share milestones with each other and their extended family. It is an outlet for them to express their feelings and fears as they navigate the roller coaster ride of having an ill or premature newborn. My Preemie’s Journey provides comfort, hope, and inspiration for those going through this life-changing event.”

Karen Dunn, RN and retired NICU Manager

The resource I would have loved to have.

After spending a combined 9 ½ months in the NICU between my two sons, I know firsthand the challenges and emotions preemie parents face in the hospital, during the transition to home, and beyond.

I’ll never forget realizing the power of journaling and practicing daily gratitude when I was in the throes of my first NICU experience. After the birth of my first son, who was born at 4 ½ months, I ran down to the gift shop and purchased a blank journal as a place to jot down my thoughts, call out my fears, and process the rollercoaster of emotions.

That’s why I created My Preemie’s JourneyJournal.

I know a premature birth is a lot to process. Between processing the plethora of emotions, making sense of all the medical terms, accepting your new normal, and seeking a sense of hope and inspiration, it’s a lot to manage.

This journal is my way to provide an organized safe and sacred space for parents to process their emotions, track their child’s medical-related information, practice daily gratitude, and celebrate all of the special moments and milestones along the way.

It’s like a journal, therapy, and scrapbook—all in one.


What Clients are Saying

“The tremendous anxiety and stress you feel when your newborn requires intensive care is difficult to put into words. Journaling is a powerful technique that can be used to combat this stress and help you to understand and share the multitude of thoughts and emotions that are ever present during your NICU stay and beyond. Tracy’s journal provides a wonderful tool to help you record, reflect, and understand your NICU journey. Highly recommended.”

Dan Ellsbury, MD, Neonatologist and NICU parent

Trust me

I’ve been there too.

As a two-time preemie mom, I know firsthand that there are a lot of ups and downs in the NICU experience and beyond.

I hope this journal can provide you with a safe and sacred place to express your feelings and call out your fears as you navigate the highs and lows of the preemie parent journey.

My wish for you is that this journal can be a source of inspiration while providing a space when you are free to process the journey however you need. The journal is structured to guide you through getting your thoughts from your heart to paper, helping release stress, overwhelm, and guilt so you can focus on finding strength and embracing your new normal.

With love.

Trust me

I’ve been there too.

As a two-time preemie mom, I know firsthand that there are a lot of ups and downs in the NICU experience and beyond.

I hope this journal can provide you with a safe and sacred place to express your feelings and call out your fears as you navigate the highs and lows of the preemie parent journey.

My wish for you is that this journal can be a source of inspiration while providing a space when you are free to process the journey however you need. The journal is structured to guide you through getting your thoughts from your heart to paper, helping release stress, overwhelm, and guilt so you can focus on finding strength and embracing your new normal.

With love.

Get Started with the FREE Preemie Parent Survival Guide

Join the Empowered Preemie Parent email community and get instant access to my 3-part series designed to guide you through any overwhelm, anxiety, and fear you may be feeling.

Get Started with the FREE Preemie Parent Survival Guide

Join the Empowered Preemie Parent email community and get instant access to my 3-part series designed to guide you through any overwhelm, anxiety, and fear you may be feeling.