Hey There!

I’m Tracy,a Two-Time NICU Mom Who Understands the Unique Challenges of Being a Preemie Parent.

Once my husband and I decided we were ready to have children, nothing could have prepared me for the emotions, uncertainties, and unknowns of not one, but two premature births. Both of my sons, Jack and Nathan, were born prematurely, spending a combined 9 ½ months in the NICU.

I’ll never forget how quickly the joys of a “normal” pregnancy were replaced with shock, sadness, and uncertainty. Each day, I battled feelings of stress, overwhelm, and guilt. The relief of making it through one day was quickly replaced by the looming uncertainties of the next.

Hey There!

I’m Tracy,a Two-Time NICU Mom Who Understands the Unique Challenges of Being a Preemie Parent.

Once my husband and I decided we were ready to have children, nothing could have prepared me for the emotions, uncertainties, and unknowns of not one, but two premature births. Both of my sons, Jack and Nathan, were born prematurely, spending a combined 9 ½ months in the NICU.

I’ll never forget how quickly the joys of a “normal” pregnancy were replaced with shock, sadness, and uncertainty. Each day, I battled feelings of stress, overwhelm, and guilt. The relief of making it through one day was quickly replaced by the looming uncertainties of the next.


Even after finally being released from the NICU, the rollercoaster of emotions continued. To this day, nearly two decades later, we are still facing challenges resulting from premature birth.

However, I no longer battle the same fears I once felt. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t always easy and some days are harder than others. The difference is that I now possess the tools, strategies, and mindset needed to face these struggles with confidence and a sense of peace. I continue to call on those resources whenever we are faced with new struggles or unpredictable obstacles.

As for my sons, they’re growing into incredible young men that would make any mama proud. As I continue to watch them grow and define their own paths in life, I’m reminded of the power of hope and resilience, both on the part of preemie babies and their parents.

Now, I’m on a mission to inspire that same sense of hope and resilience in others.

You see when my boys were in the NICU, they both had a primary nurse named Maribeth. Thinking back on how much she influenced my journey by creating a safe space and providing me with the emotional support I desperately needed, I realize she was a shining light in otherwise stressful days. She guided us through the highest highs and lowest lows of NICU life.

The work I do now is my way of paying it forward. Of being the Maribeth to any preemie mamas who are yearning for a sense of peace among the stress, overwhelm, and guilt they are feeling—because, while NICU life is hard, finding hope doesn’t have to be.

You Can Find Joy In This Journey.

And I’m dedicated to helping preemie parents like you take back the power, overcome the overwhelm, and embrace this new normal.

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Join the Empowered Preemie Parent email community and get instant access to my 3-part series designed to guide you through any overwhelm, anxiety, and fear you may be feeling. 

Get Started with the FREE Preemie Parent Survival Guide

Join the Empowered Preemie Parent email community and get instant access to my 3-part series designed to guide you through any overwhelm, anxiety, and fear you may be feeling.